
The Blockchain Job Report 2022

Blockchain as an industry has grown exponentially in the past 2 years and has disrupted several industries, including Finance.

In the Blockchain Job Report, we explore the employment implications through the perspective of aspiring candidates, financial institutions, Blockchain companies as well as governments. What are the top jobs in Blockchain currently? What skills do you need to succeed in this highly competitive market? 


The Blockchain Job Report 2022

Blockchain as an industry has grown exponentially in the past 2 years and has disrupted several industries, including Finance.

In the Blockchain Job Report, we explore the employment implications through the perspective of aspiring candidates, financial institutions, Blockchain companies as well as governments. What are the top jobs in Blockchain currently? What skills do you need to succeed in this highly competitive market? 

With the growth of a new industry like Blockchain comes the emergence of new jobs and skills requirements. Understanding the employment trends in one of the fastest growing markets is essential for all stakeholders from aspiring candidates, organisations, governments, universities or regulatory bodies.

This report will give you an insight into: 

  1. The hiring practices in Blockchain
  2. The most in demand skills according to the top recruiters in the industry
  3. The new job roles in Blockchain 
  4. The industry’s first taxonomy of Blockchain Jobs and a skills framework (SHIME) 

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