The Fintech Job Report 2021
As the world’s first Fintech job report, we highlighted the key findings in the FinTech industry, the potential job roles, and relevant employability skills needed to aid with future job creation and opportunities for governments, regulators, employers, and candidates.
The Fintech Job Report 2022
As the world’s first Fintech job report, we highlighted the key findings in the Fintech industry, the potential job roles, and relevant employability skills needed to aid with future job creation and opportunities for governments, regulators, employers, and candidates.

Technology is eating finance

Understanding of the Fintech job market will allow smoother processes in equipping with skills, hiring and working in the Fintech industry for governments, regulators, employers, and candidates thus the creation of this report by CFTE.
The main goals of the Fintech job report are to:
- Identify the different job roles within Fintech,
- Provide insights into the transformation of jobs in financial services and
- Uncover the skills required for these Fintech jobs in line with the trends from the Fintech industry.
The report analyses findings on these key issues:
- The growth of Fintech,
- The jobs in Fintech,
- The skills in Fintech
Explore the report
From the authors

A few years ago, the industry was wondering if banks should be tech companies or not. Our research shows that at least from an employment standpoint, Fintech companies are definitely tech, and not finance companies.
This important finding should be taken into consideration by job seekers and students, but also banks and regulators.”Huy Nguyen Trieu, CFTE Co-Founder

Fintech is an industry which employs almost as many people as the whole finance sector of London, and is hiring 4 times more. It therefore represents a huge opportunity for those who want to join a fast growing industry with a lot of potential.
Our research finds that hard skills are important, but that having the right mindset and soft skills is even more important to join the industry, which means that anyone with the right attitude can still be part of the Fintech growth story.Tram Anh Nguyen, CFTE Co-Founder