ARTIFICIAL MINI BRAINS ⎯ Think beyond human boundaries

Release date: February 2024

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Headshot of Huy


Huy Nguyen Trieu

Co-Founder of CFTE

The power of machines
that think beyond human boundaries

What you can get from this book

General information on AI and introduction to the book, what it talks about

Understanding the evolution of AI


Understanding the evolution of AI


Understanding the evolution of AI


Understanding the evolution of AI


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ARTIFICIAL MINI BRAINS is coming in February 2024

Portrait of Huy Nguyen Trie, co-founder of CFTE and author of the AI-fication(Ai Fication, AIfication) of Jobs. He is wearing a suit, has glasses on and is in front of a red background.

Meet Author

Huy Nguyen Trieu

Co-Founder of CFTE

Huy Nguyen Trieu believes that in a world led by technology, we shouldn’t forget the importance of people, which is why he co-founded CFTE to help people improve their skills and find opportunities. He is a frequent keynote speaker in Europe and Asia, likes to teach and share with students and entrepreneurs, and is regularly quoted in articles on innovation and finance.

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