A Turbocharged Week that Prepared the Workforce for a Technology-driven World of Finance
LHoFT is Luxembourg’s dedicated Fintech centre where finance and technology interact to foster innovation
To help LHoFT with its mission to prepare the financial services workforce for the new world of technology-driven finance, CFTE partnered with the innovation hub, to launch the Luxembourg Academy of Digital Finance.
The academy is designed to help financial institutions upskill their employees in Fintech, and help finance professionals deepen their understanding of the changing industry landscape. As a part of the Academy, CFTE and LHoFT to launch the Fintech Entrepreneurship Programme.

How did CFTE Meet its Goal?
CFTE and LHoFT set on a mission to design a programme that would give participants the skills and knowledge needed today in Fintech. It would encapsulate cutting edge Fintech knowledge and give participants an opportunity to build experience-based entrepreneurial skills. In November 2020, the Fintech Entrepreneurship Program was born.
The 1-week turbocharged programme had over 18 sessions where 4 teams built a foundational knowledge in Fintech and Intrapreneurship. What made the programme more exciting, was the opportunity to be mentored by 12 Industry leaders who are driving the Fintech revolution.

Did the Programme Prepare the Workforce for Digital Finance?
The teams of 4 developed their knowledge by getting practical insight into the industry. They collaborated to problem-solve, innovate and strategise as they worked on solving case studies on OpenBanking, AI, RegTech, and Blockchain for fast-growing Fintech companies.
This helped learners acquire the expertise in Fintech and Entrepreneurship and learn the dynamics between Fintechs and Incumbents, as they were placed in the shoes of the high-growth Fintechs.
Programme Structure