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Key takeaways from "Impact and opportunities: Canada's AI ecosystem - 2023" report published by Deloitte

CFTE summarised  “Impact and opportunities: Canada’s AI ecosystem – 2023” report by Deloitte.  This report provides a snapshot of the state of Canada’s national AI ecosystem for the 2022–23 period (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023); it was created to help the broader market understand how an evolving Canadian AI landscape is reshaping our comprehension and adoption of AI technologies and affecting how the country is viewed on the global stage.

Key Aspects

  • The report provides a comprehensive overview of Canada’s AI sector, highlighting its exceptional talent growth, significant R&D investments, and resilient industry expansion. 
  • It also details Canada’s robust AI venture capital investments, positioning it as a global leader in the field. Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of ethical AI practices and diversity, addressing concerns about biases and advocating for responsible, inclusive AI development.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Contents
  • 2. Executive summary 
  • 3. Introduction 
  • 4. Our methodology 
  • 5. Canada’s AI ecosystem at a glance 
  • 6. Canada’s AI ecosystem: Five key insights 
  • a. Talent and job market 
  • b. Research and development 
  • c. Investment and economic indicators 
  • d. Toward an AI-ready society 
  • e. Ethical AI and diversity 
  • 7. Special feature: COVID-19’s impact on Canada’s AI ecosystem 
  • 8. Special feature: Canada stakes its claim in the generative AI landscape 
  • 9. Our next move: Acting now to lead globally 
  • 10. Spotlight: CIFAR & the National AI institutes

Key Findings and Insights

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