Key Insights

Key takeaways from "Fueling the AI transformation: Four key actions powering widespread value from AI, right now" report published by Deloitte

CFTE summarised “Fueling the AI transformation: Four key actions powering widespread value from AI, right now” report by Deloitte. The report surveyed 2,620 executives from 13 countries across the globe, outlining detailed recommendations for leaders to cultivate an AI-ready enterprise and improve outcomes for their AI efforts.

Key Aspects

  • Deloitte grouped responding organisations into four profiles — Transformers, Path seekers, Starters and Underachievers — based on how many types of AI applications they have deployed full-scale and the number of outcomes achieved to a high degree. 
  • The findings in the report aim to help companies overcome deployment and adoption challenges to become AI-fueled organisations that realise value and drive transformational outcomes from AI.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword: The Era of Value
  2. Introduction: AI Deployments vs. Outcomes
  3. Action 1: Invest in Culture and Leadership
  4. Action 2: Transform Operations
  5. Action 3: Orchestrate Tech and Talent
  6. Action 4: Select Use Cases to Accelerate Value
  7. Industry-specific Application
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Methodology

Key Findings and Insights

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