Global Fintech Internship Experience

Helping thousands of students acquiring their first experience in Fintech

As CFTE, we have created the Global Fintech Internship Experience to bridge the digital divide by helping students experience the global Fintech community via online live internship to obtain certain skillset needed to boost their careers in the Fintech world.

The experience at a glance

Students Interns
Expert Mentors

What did they have to do?

During a week-long internship, the interns grasped the opportunity to attend expert panels and discussions and work on real case studies from all around the Fintech industry. Moreover, they joined workshops to improve job-relevant skills such as job-winning CV building, job interview tips, and effective time management and effective communication.

Work as group

The interns experienced how to work as a team while sharing the same mission, defining roles and responsibilities in the group, effective communication via digital tools, and reaching out to a team's success.

Study and create a solutions

The interns skillfully melded their strengths, personality, and team spirit while brainstorming about the case and creating a solution for the particular company as a next step.

Present their solution

The interns used their improved digital skills to present ideas by making a video presentation and submitting a written paper about their strategies and solutions.

Challenging Interns with real Fintech case study...

How can PayPay get to 1 billion users on its platforms?

In the case study of Paypal, the interns have prepared a Go-To-Go Market plan and projected growth plan covering the target market, choosing the right product, competitor analysis, and regulatory aspects.

The Analysis of the Gateways to Completion (G2C) programmes in emerging markets

In the case study of Mastercard, the interns have been assessed to prepare a research paper about how the Gateways to Completion (G2C) program uses financial technology, the program's strengths and improvable points.

The Analysis of the Gateways to Completion (G2C) programmes in emerging markets

In the case study of Onfido, the interns have been asked to present an analysis of how identity is being verified and authenticated in Telecommunications in the markets in the UK, Germany, Nordics, and Switzerland.

What is the Future of Chipper Cash?

In the case study of Chipper, the interns have been requested to deliver a project about creating a new product to offer customers, how to optimize the money transfer process more effortlessly, and the global expansion plan of Chipper.

Corda: A Blockchain Platform to provide an enterprise-level DLT to financial institutions

In the case study of R3, the interns have analyzed the most important features of financial services industry, its relevance with recent developments in blockchain, improving consistency and helping emerging markets to develop.

Helping interns throughout their internship

Supportive partners and masterclasses​

Mentors and experts guiding them in their case studies

End of the internship journey

During case studies, the interns learned to make professional presentations, generate interesting ideas, overcome challenges, and work together efficiently. As a result, experts and partners have evaluated all case studies and awarded 15 outstanding groups during the graduation ceremony.

Hear what the students had to say in one word!

Testimonials from our students...

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